LDAP Component

The LDAP control is used to communicate with LDAP Directory Servers using the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access) protocol.

(NOTE: The following is a very short description. For more information, please consult the help files that come with the respective package.)

The LDAP control implements a standard LDAP client as specified in RFC 1777, RFC 1778, and RFC 1779.

The first step in using the control is specifying the ServerName, a DN (Distinguished Name) to bind as, and optionally a Password. Then, you can specify one or more actions for the server via the Action property. Server responses are normally received through the Result event. The only exception are search requests which result in one or more SearchResult events, followed by a final SearchComplete event.

Attributes are set and returned through attribute arrays such as AttrType and AttrValue. Other command arguments are specified through other properties. These are specified in detail in the Action property section.

Search filters are defined as strings in the SearchFilter property. The format must be a standard LDAP search string as specified in RFC 1558. Other search attributes are set in properties such as SearchScope, SearchTimeLimit, etc..

The control operates asynchronously. Server responses are retrieved only through events, and the Action property returns control immediately. This also means that you may send more than one request at a time, without waiting for previous requests to complete.

This control requires a Winsock 1.1 compliant TCP/IP stack. This means that the Winsock stack installed in the system must have a version of at least 1.1. In particular, Windows 95, 98, and NT machines with Winsock 2.0 are fully supported.


AbandonMessageId. The message id to abandon (for LDAP abandon requests).

AcceptData. Enables or disables data reception.

Action. An action code for the control.

AttrCount. Number of attributes values for the current entry.

AttrModOp. Array of operations to apply on attributes during an LDAP modify operation.

AttrType. Array of attribute types for the current entry.

AttrValue. Array of attribute values for the current entry.

DN. The Distinguished Name used as the base for LDAP operations.

DeleteOldRDN. Controls whether the old RDN should be deleted.

MessageId. The message id for the next LDAP request.

NewRDN. The new RDN for the entry.

Password. The password used to authenticate to the LDAP server.

ResultCode. The result code returned in the last server response.

ResultDescription. The descriptive text returned in the last server response (if any).

ResultDN. The Distinguished Name returned in the last server response (if any).

SearchDerefAliases. Controls alias dereferencing during searching.

SearchFilter. A string representation of the LDAP search filter used during searches.

SearchReturnValues. Controls whether the search operation returns values of attributes, or only types.

SearchScope. Controls the scope of LDAP search operations.

SearchSizeLimit. Maximum number of entries that can be returned by the next search operation.

SearchTimeLimit. A time limit for the next search operation (in seconds).

ServerName. The name or address of the LDAP server.

ServerPort. The server port for LDAP (default 389).

LocalHost. The name of the local host. When connected, the IP address of the interface through which the connection was made.

SocketHandle. The handle of the main socket used by the control.

WinsockInfo. Identifying information about the loaded Winsock stack.

WinsockLoaded. Loads and unloads Winsock on demand.

WinsockMaxDatagramSize. Size in bytes of the largest UDP datagram that can be sent or received.

WinsockMaxSockets. Maximum number of sockets available to a single process.

WinsockPath. The path to the Winsock DLL used.

WinsockStatus. The status of the Winsock stack.


Error. Information about errors during data delivery.

Result. Fired for every server response, except search responses.

SearchComplete. Fired upon completion of a search operation.

SearchResult. Fired for every entry returned from a search operation.

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