SMTP Component

The SMTP control is used to send Internet mail using the SMTP protocol (the Internet mail standard).

(NOTE: The following is a very short description. For more information, please consult the help files that come with the respective package.)

The SMTP control implements a standard SMTP client as specified in RFC 821. It has a simple plug-and-play interface. It contains a number of properties like To, Subject, From, Cc, BCc, etc. that map directly to the internet mail message headers with the same name (RFC 822). The message text is set in MessageText and/or AttachedFile. Messages are sent by setting the Action property to 'Send Message'.

The control supports message delivery to multiple recipients through the To, Cc, and BCc properties. Simply specify the destination email addresses separated by commas.

The interface of the control is open-ended. New features, including MIME attachments can be supported by using the OtherHeaders property.

A number of events provide feedback during the operation of the control. The Transfer event is fired during message delivery to show the number of bytes delivered. The PITrail event traces the commands that are sent to the server and the respective replies.

This control requires a Winsock 1.1 compliant TCP/IP stack. This means that the Winsock stack installed in the system must have a version of at least 1.1. In particular, Windows 95, 98, and NT machines with Winsock 2.0 are fully supported.


Action. An action code for the control.

AllowExtensions. A switch allowing the control to use ESMTP features (SMTP extensions).

AttachedFile. A file to append to MessageText when sending mail.

BCc. A comma separated list of addresses for blind carbon copies (optional).

Cc. A comma separated list of addresses for carbon copies (optional).

Command. Can be used to send additional commands directly to the SMTP server.

Date. The Date of the mail message (optional).

From. The email address of the sender (required).

Hello. The argument for HELO (herald) command to the server (defaults to local host name).

LastReply. The last reply from the server.

LocalHost. The name of the local host. When connected, the IP address of the interface through which the connection was made.

MailPort. The server port for SMTP (default 25).

MailServer. The name or address of a mail server (mail relay).

MaxHeaderLength. Maximum length for headers to avoid line folding (default 80).

MessageText. The full text of the message to send (without headers).

OtherHeaders. An RFC 822 compliant string consisting of extra headers.

ReplyTo. A mail address to reply to (optional).

SocketHandle. The handle of the main socket used by the control.

Subject. The subject of the mail message (optional).

To. A comma separated list of addresses for destinations (required).

WinsockInfo. Identifying information about the loaded Winsock stack.

WinsockLoaded. Loads and unloads Winsock on demand.

WinsockMaxDatagramSize. Size in bytes of the largest UDP datagram that can be sent or received.

WinsockMaxSockets. Maximum number of sockets available to a single process.

WinsockPath. The path to the Winsock DLL used.

WinsockStatus. The status of the Winsock stack.


EndTransfer. Fired when the message text completes transferring.

Error. Information about errors during data delivery.

Expand. Fired for every email address returned by the server when Action is set to Expand.

PITrail. Traces the commands sent to the mail server, and the respective replies.

StartTransfer. Fired when the message text starts transferring.

Transfer. Fired while the message text gets transferred to MailServer.

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