Telnet Component

The Telnet control is used to communicate with servers implementing the Telnet protocol.

(NOTE: The following is a very short description. For more information, please consult the help files that come with the respective package.)

The Telnet control provides a simple interface to Telnet communications as specified by RFC 854. It allows sending of Telnet command codes to remote Telnet servers and it scans the input data for Telnet commands. Appropriate events are fired for received commands.

The connection interface is very similar to that of IPPort. The same properties and events are used for sending and receiving normal data, and the same property set is used for setting properties of the connection. The Telnet control adds a number of properties like Command, DoOption, etc. which allow sending of Telnet commands to the other end. The respective events (Command, Do, etc.) are fired when the corresponding Telnet commands are received.

This control requires a Winsock 1.1 compliant TCP/IP stack. This means that the Winsock stack installed in the system must have a version of at least 1.1. In particular, Windows 95, 98, and NT machines with Winsock 2.0 are fully supported.


AcceptData. Enables or disables data reception (the DataIn event).

BytesSent. The number of bytes actually sent after an assignment to DataToSend.

Command. A single character Telnet command code to be sent to the server.

Connected. Triggers a connection or disconnection. Action property.

DataToSend. A string of data to be sent to the remote host.

DontOption. A single character Telnet option code to be sent to the server with the Telnet DONT command.

DoOption. A single character Telnet option code to be sent to the server with the Telnet DO command.

DoSubOption. A Telnet suboption to send to the server with the suboption command.

KeepAlive. When True, KEEPALIVE packets are enabled (for long connections).

Linger. When set to True, connections are terminated gracefully.

LocalHost. The name of the local host. When connected, the IP address of the interface through which the connection was made.

LocalPort. The TCP port in the local host where IPPort binds.

RemoteHost. The address of the RemoteHost. Domain names are resolved to IP addresses.

RemotePort. The Telnet port in the remote host (default is 23).

SocketHandle. The handle of the main socket used by the control.

UrgentData. A string of data to be sent urgently (out-of-band) to the remote host.

WillOption. A single character Telnet option code to be sent to the server with the Telnet WILL command.

WinsockInfo. Identifying information about the loaded Winsock stack.

WinsockLoaded. Loads and unloads Winsock on demand.

WinsockMaxDatagramSize. Size in bytes of the largest UDP datagram that can be sent or received.

WinsockMaxSockets. Maximum number of sockets available to a single process.

WinsockPath. The path to the Winsock DLL used.

WinsockStatus. The status of the Winsock stack.

WontOption. A single character Telnet option code to be sent to the server with the Telnet WONT command.


Command. Fired when a Telnet command comes from the Telnet server.

Connected. Fired immediately after a connection completes (or fails).

DataIn. Fired when characters are received from the remote host.

Disconnected. Fired when a connection is closed.

Do. Fired when a Telnet DO OPTION command comes from the Telnet server.

Dont. Fired when a Telnet DONT OPTION command comes from the Telnet server.

Error. Information about errors during data delivery.

ReadyToSend. Fired when the control is ready to send data.

SubOption. Fired when a Telnet suboption command comes from the Telnet server.

Will. Fired when a Telnet WILL OPTION command comes from the Telnet server.

Wont. Fired when a Telnet WONT OPTION command comes from the Telnet server.

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