' CETweak by Mark Gamber using NS Basic
' This is a useful example of the registry and HTML
' controls. The program sets a couple useful flags
' in the registry to enable / disable window animation
' and if the \Network folder is visible from the root
' directory. Also, the system, menu bar and popup
' menu fonts may be specified, the interface to the
' three types handled by a tabstrip and HTML
' control. The HTML control uses a form to obtain
' data which is picked apart in basic and saved.

' Changes will take effect after the next soft reset.

Option Explicit

' Create the various objects
addobject "MGCEWin32.Registry", "reg"
addobject "Label", "lbl1", 2, 2, 120, 16
addobject "Checkbox", "AniChk", 124, 2, 16, 16
addobject "Label", "lbl2", 2, 20, 120, 16
addobject "Checkbox", "NetChk", 124, 20, 16, 16
addobject "CETabStrip.TabStrip.1", "Tab", 2, 41, 240, 20
addobject "MGCENet.HTML", "html", 2, 60, 239, output.height - 62

reg.Key = 2     ' We never leave HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in this app, so set it now

lbl1.BackColor = output.BackColor                        ' Initialize the rest of the controls
lbl1.Caption = "Window Animation:"
lbl2.BackColor = output.BackColor
lbl2.Caption = "Network Folder:"
Tab.tabs.Add 1,, "System Font"                             '  Add some stuff to the tabstrip
Tab.tabs.Add 2,, "Menu Font"
Tab.tabs.Add 3,, "Popup Font"
Tab.tabs.Remove 4

html.SetText GetSystemFont( 1 ) ' Initialize HTML by feeding it the system font form

reg.Path = "System\GWE"                      ' HKLM\System\GWE\Animate is first flag
reg.Name = "Animate"                                                     '  and it may not be there

on error resume next
i = reg.Value
if Err.number <> 0 then                                    '  If the entry is missing, it's enabled
   AniChk.Value = TRUE
   if CInt( i ) = 1 then                                                    ' Otherwise, check it's value
      AniChk.Value = TRUE
   end if
end if

reg.Path = "Comm\Redir"
reg.Name = "RegisterFSRoot"                                 ' Looking for network folder flag
i = reg.Value
if Err.number = 0 then                  ' It's off by default, so it can only be on if it's there
   if CInt( i ) <> 0  then NetChk.Value = TRUE
end if

sub Tab_click                                        ' Select HTML form based on selected tab
   if Tab.SelectedItem.Caption = "System Font" then html.SetText GetSystemFont( 1 )
   if Tab.SelectedItem.Caption = "Menu Font" then html.SetText GetSystemFont( 2 )
   if Tab.SelectedItem.Caption = "Popup Font" then html.SetText GetSystemFont( 3 )
end sub

function GetSystemFont( fType )
   Dim s

   s = "
" s = s + "" s = s + "" s = s + "" s = s & "" s = s + "
Font Name:" s = s + "
Font Size:" s = s + "
Bold:" s = s + " 400 then s = s & " CHECKED" s = s & ">   Italic:" s = s + "
" GetSystemFont = s end function sub AniChk_Click reg.Path = "System\GWE" reg.Name = "Animate" reg.ValueType = 4 reg.Value = AniChk.Value end sub sub NetChk_Click reg.Path = "Comm\Redir" reg.CreatePath reg.Name = "RegisterFSRoot" reg.ValueType = 4 reg.Value = NetChk.Value end sub sub html_Click( url, data ) Dim i, j, s, sName, sSize if url = "1" then reg.Path = "System\GDI\SYSFNT" if url = "2" then reg.Path = "System\GWE\Menu\BarFnt" if url = "3" then reg.Path = "System\GWE\Menu\PopFnt" i = InStr( 1, data, "FontName=" ) if i = 0 then MsgBox "You need to specify a font name!", vbOKOnly, "Error" exit sub end if i = i + 9 j = InStr( i, data, "&" ) - i sName = Trim( Mid( data, i, j ) ) if Len( sName ) < 1 then MsgBox "You need to specify a font name!", vbOKOnly, "Error" exit sub end if i = InStr( 1, data, "FontSize=" ) if i = 0 then MsgBox "You need to specify a font size!", vbOKOnly, "Error" exit sub end if i = i + 9 j = InStr( i, data, "&" ) if j > 0 then sSize = Trim( Mid( data, i, j - i ) ) else sSize = Trim( Mid( data, i ) ) end if if Len( sSize ) < 1 then MsgBox "You need to specify a font size!", vbOKOnly, "Error" exit sub end if reg.ValueType = 1 reg.Name = "Nm" reg.Value = sName reg.Name = "Ht" reg.ValueType = 4 MsgBox sSize reg.Value = sSize i = InStr( 1, data, "FontBold=" ) reg.Name = "Wt" if i > 0 then reg.Value = 700 else reg.Value = 400 end if i = InStr( 1, data, "FontItal=" ) reg.Name = "It" if i > 0 then reg.Value = 1 else reg.Value = 0 end if end sub