' Demonstration of how to load a file's contents into the HTML control
' Written by Mark Gamber using NS Basic
' This assumes you have in your \Windows directory.

addobject "MGCENet.HTML", "HTML", 10, 24, OUTPUT.Width - 20, OUTPUT.Height - 26
addobject "TextBox", "NewText", 10, 2, 140, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "AddText", 154, 2, 56, 22

AddText.Caption = "Add"

HTML.SetTextFromFile "\windows\"

sub HTML_Click( text, data )       ' Something was clicked on the control
   i = InStr( 1, text, "#" )       ' Was it an anchor?
   if i > 1 then                   ' If so, only use text beyond the '#'
      HTML.ToAnchor Mid( text, i + 1 )    ' Jump to the anchor
   else                            '  If not, just display the HREF text
      MsgBox text, vbOKOnly, "HREF Text"
   end if
end sub

sub AddText_Click
      HTML.SetText NewText.Text
end sub