B A S I C   f o r   t h e   N e w t o n
H o m e   |   O r d e r i n g   |   W e b   B B S   |   H o t   Z o n e
Kudos and Reviews
     See what other users and reviewers have to say about NS BASIC.

NS Basic Tutorial
     Go for an illustrated test drive of NS BASIC and the Visual Designer.

NS Basic Overview
     An overview of NS BASIC (Includes a downloadable Japanese Version!)

Screen Shots
     See NS BASIC in action!

NS Basic FAQ
     Frequently asked questions and answers about NS BASIC

NTK vs. NSBasic
     How does the Newton Toolkit from Apple stack up against NSBasic? We're more than happy to tell you.

Interview with C++ creator
     Wondering how C++ fits into the programming world? Check out this interesting interview with the creator.
Note: We're not sure of the original source of this interview.

Release Notes
     Illustrated NS BASIC release notes

NS Basic Corner by John Schettino
     Excerpts from various 1996 issues of PDA Developers magazine

Code Samples
     Examples of NS BASIC code from the manual and other supplemental code.

H o m e   |   O r d e r i n g   |   W e b   B B S   |   H o t   Z o n e
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