' Demonstration of the special folder and shortcut operations ' available from the MGCEWin32.API object. ' Special Folder flags. Note: Some of these may not be available ' depending on the version of Windows CE in use sfDesktop = 0 sfPrograms = 2 sfControls = 3 sfPrinters = 4 sfPersonal = 5 sfFavorites = 6 sfStartup = 7 sfRecent = 8 sfSendTo = 9 sfRecycler = 10 sfStartMenu = 11 sfDesktopDir = 16 sfDrives = 17 sfNetwork = 18 sfNethood = 19 sfFonts = 20 sfTemplates = 21 ' Create the object addobject "MGCEWin32.API", "API", 0, 0, 0, 0 ' Get desktop directory and use that to make up a shortcut filename sPath = API.GetSpecialFolder( sfDesktop ) & "\Windows Directory.lnk" ' Use the filename to create a shortcut to the windows directory API.CreateShortcut sPath, "\Windows" ' Display the target of the shortcut we just created s = API.GetShortcutTarget( sPath ) API.AddToRecent "\windows" MsgBox s