
' Simple RAS test by Mark Gamber

addobject "MGCEWin32.RAS", "ras"
addobject "Label", "lbl1", 2, 2, 80, 20
addobject "Combobox", "connlist", 84, 2, 160, 80
addobject "Label", "lbl2", 2, 29, 80, 20
addobject "Textbox", "username", 84, 28, 160, 18
addobject "Label", "lbl3", 2, 51, 80, 20
addobject "Textbox", "password", 84, 50, 160, 18
addobject "Label", "lbl4", 2, 73, 80, 20
addobject "Textbox", "domain", 84, 72, 160, 18
addobject "CommandButton", "action", 90, 94, 80, 20

lbl1.BackColor = output.BackColor
lbl2.BackColor = output.BackColor
lbl3.BackColor = output.BackColor
lbl4.BackColor = output.BackColor
action.BackColor = output.BackColor
lbl1.Caption = "Entry:"
lbl2.Caption = "Username:"
lbl3.Caption = "Password:"
lbl4.Caption = "Domain:"
action.Caption = "Connect" = 2

dim connID           ' Use this to hold the connection ID
connID = 0           ' Initialize to "not connected"

a = ras.AllEntries                           ' Get an array of all possible connections
if TypeName( a ) <> "Empty" then   ' If the array isn't empty
   for i = 1 to UBound( a )                ' Loop through each item in the array
      connlist.AddItem( a( i ) )           ' And add each name to the combobox
   set a = Nothing
end if

sub form_Close                              ' Hang up if connected when the form is closed
   if connID <> 0 then ras.Disconnect connID
end sub

sub action_Click
   if action.Caption = "Disconnect" then   ' If already connected...
      ras.Disconnect connID                    ' Disconnect
      connID = 0                                     ' Initialize connect ID to "not connected"
      action.Caption = "Connect"
      exit sub
   end if
   i = connlist.ListIndex                          ' If not connected, get index of selected combobox item
   if i < 0 then                                        ' Whine if no selection was made
      MsgBox "You must specify a connect before continuing"
      exit sub
   end if
   ras.Clear                                           ' Wipe out any existing property values
   ras.EntryName = connlist.Text           ' Set connection name
                                                           ' Set username, password and domain if they are used
   if len( username.text ) > 0 then ras.UserName = username.text
   if len( password.text ) > 0 then ras.Password = password.text
   if len( domain.text ) > 0 then ras.Domain = domain.text
   on error resume next
   connID = ras.Connect                        ' Attempt connection, saving ID if it works
   if Err then                                         ' If it doesn't work, tell the user
      MsgBox "An error occurred attempting to connect to " & ras.EntryName
      action.Caption = "Disconnect"         ' Otherwise, allow user to disconnect
   end if
   on error goto 0
end sub