For more information, see

Processor-Specific Sections

The .CAB files created using an .inf file are processor specific: Each one can be used with only one type of processor. To create processor-specific CAB files, you must append the processor type extension to some of the section names. For example:

		[DefaultInstall]  -  shared by all platforms
		[DefaultInstall.sh3]  - specific to the SH3 processor
		[DefaultInstall.mips]  - specific to the MIPS processor

The following sections can be appended with a processor-specific extension:


INF Sections Used

An .inf file is made up of a number of sections, each of which starts with a section name in [brackets].

CESignature="$Windows CE$"
[CEDevice] *
[UnsupportedPlatforms=platform-family-name [ , platform-family-name]]

All of the above keys are optional.

CopyFiles=file-list-section [ , file-list-section]...
AddReg=add-registry-section [ , add-registry-section]...
CEShortcuts=shortcut-list-section [ , shortcut-list-section]...
CESelfRegister=DLL-filename [ , DLL-filename]
disk-ordinal= , disk-label , , path
This section identifies and names the disk that contains the source files for file copying operations. The source files are listed in the [SourceDisksFiles] section (see below).
filename=disk-ordinal [ , subdir]
This section names the source files used during installation and identifies the source disks that contain the files. The source disks are listed in the [SourceDisksNames] section (see above).
file-list-section=0, subdir
This section defines the destination directories for the operations specified in the [CopyFiles] and [CEShortcuts] sections (see below). Directory Name Macros

The following table shows Windows Embedded CE directory identifiers and the resulting directories on devices running Windows Mobile 6 ProfessionalÊor Windows Mobile 6 Classic. If the default storage volume on the device is Storage, \Storage is added to the beginning of the directory identifiers.

%CE1%	\Program Files
%CE2%	\Windows
%CE4%	\Windows\StartUp
%CE5%	\My Documents
%CE8%	\Program Files\Games
%CE11%	\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
%CE14%	\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
%CE15%	\Windows\Fonts
%CE17%	\Windows\Start Menu

destination-file-name [ , source-file-name] [ , ,flag]
This section specifies files to be copied to the Windows CE device during installation. The actual file section name ("CopyFiles") is user-defined, and may vary.
[CEShortcuts] *
shortcut-file-name, type-flag, target-file/path [ , standard-destination-path]
This section specifies shortcuts to be created on the Windows CE device during installation. The actual shortcut section name ("CEShortcuts") is user-defined, and may vary.
reg-root-string, [subkey], [value-name], [flags], [value]
This section specifies registry entries to be created on the Windows CE device during installation. The actual registry section name ("AddRegistry") is user-defined, and may vary.
[CEStrings] *
This section defines custom string macros to be used when the INF file is compiled.