NSBasic for Educators

1. NS BASIC Handbook

Sample page from NS BASIC Handbook

GOSUB Statement

GOSUB lineNumber|label


GOSUB causes execution to branch to the line of code specified by lineNumber. You may use a label in place of the actual line number. A GOSUB must be paired with a RETURN Statement. When a RETURN Statement is found, execution continues from the line after the GOSUB. As with the GOTO Statement, if the lineNumber specified in the GOSUB Statement refers to a REM Statement, NS BASIC will also display that comment at the end of the GOSUB Statement as a line comment when the program is listed. The example shows this automatic commenting behaviour of GOSUB.



10 REM GOSUB Example
20 PRINT "GOSUB Routines-"
30 GOSUB 70 //Routine #2
40 GOSUB routine3
50 PRINT "Routine #1"
60 END
70 REM Routine #2
80 PRINT "Routine #2"
110 routine3: REM
120 PRINT "Routine #3"

GOSUB Routines-
Routine #2
Routine #3
Routine #1


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96 NS BASIC Handbook

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