5. NS BASIC Tech Note                                     September 1, 1994

NS BASIC and MoreInfo                        
You can play around with the data that SilverWARE's MoreInfo
application adds to your Names file in NS BASIC. Here's a bit of code that
prints out a list of contacts:

* list
0010 open ch,"names",sortOn
0020 get ch,n,"Couper"
0025 print "Contacts for" && n.sorton
0030 LET m:=n.|moreInfo:SilverWARE|.contacts
0040 for i=0 to length(m)-1
0050   print datentime(m[i].time),m[i].type,m[i].re
0060 next i
* run
Contacts for Couper
8/18/94 1:11 am     Call      No answer

By using the VARS command, you can see all the data that MoreInfo
keeps. Access
the other fields in the same fashion.

* open ch,"system",tag
* get ch,s,"moreInfo:SilverWARE"
* vars
CH: 1
n:{ sortOn: Couper cardType: 2 phones:[ 555 7995 555-7242 555-4623] 
Maximum Nutrition Ltd. address: 41 Fairway Hdts. city: "Toronto" region:
"Ontario" country: "Canada", postal_code: "L3T 3A7" bday: 32080107, name:{
first: "Sandra1" class: person last: Couper title: "President"} notes:[]
_uniqueID: 1 _modtime: 47666951 MoreInfo:SilverWARE:{ moreInfoItems:[ 5 10 
department: "Sales" employees:[ Scream] siblings:[ Marko] contacts:[{ Time:
47666951 type: "Call" re: "No answer"}]}} M:[{ Time: 47666951 type: "Call" 
"No answer"}] i: 1 s:{ tag: "MoreInfo:SilverWARE" installed: TRUE onlyName:
Couper _uniqueID: 31 _modtime: 47666948}