13. NS BASIC Tech Note                                   December 30, 1996

NS BASIC and Kanji (and other languages)                        
By using Unicodes, special characters in other languages as well as Kanji
can be used with NS BASIC.

To use Kanji, you need a Newton with the Kanji font installed. To see the 
list of valid fonts on your newton, type PRINT GETGLOBALS().fonts into NS
BASIC. You will see a list of fonts, usually espy, newYork, geneva and 
Monaco. On Japanese Newtons, you should also see Kanji.

Kanji characters used inside PRINT statements will show up as box
characters when LISTed, as the LIST command has to use the Monaco font for
output. However, if you tap on a statement to bring up the EDIT window, 
the Kanji version will display if you do the following:

   1. Select squares you want in the Edit box.
   2. Tap Extras, tap Styles icon in the Unfiled Icons folder.
   3. Tap Font button, tap Mincho in the list.

Set the viewFont slot in your windowspec to be the font you want. You can 
then use the appropriate unicode codes to see the special characters you 
want to see in your window.

For European languages (German, French, etc), a list of unicode 
(such as unlauts and accents) is in Appendix C of the Handbook.

Many thanks to Kenichi Masuko for the Edit Box idea, and Yoshiharu Hori, 
who worked out that "\u58003000826f6cbb" prints his name in Kanji!