NS BASIC Tech Note                                     September 6, 1996

27. How to connect from Windows 95                     
Contributed by Fields C. Gunsett, gunsetfc© indy.net.

1. Start Hyperterminal with the following commands:
	Win95, 	Start/Programs/Accessories/Hyperterminal

2.	Double click on the Hypertrm icon, enter the name of the of the 
connection that you want to establish, say, NEWTON.

3.	This will open a new window labeled NEWTON-HyperTerminal.  Another 
window opens labeled	Phone Number. Click on the down arrow at the connect 
using box and select Direct to Com?, where ? 	is the com port that you 
would like to use. Use the same com port that you use to install	new 
packages or backup the Newton.

4.	This opens another window labeled COM? Properties. In this window set 
the	baud rate (9600), the	Data bits (8), the Parity (N), the Stop Bits (1) 
and flow control (Xon/Xoff). Select OK.

5.	Select File/Properties and then select the Settings Tab, Select TTY as 
the Emulation type. Press on the ASCII Set Up button: the new window will 
have two parts (ASCII Sending and ASCII Receiving). In the ASCII Sending 
box, check Send line ends with line feeds, and check Echo typed characters 
locally. The delay option is set to zero milliseconds for both line and 
character. In the ASCII Receiving box, check Append line feeds to incoming 
line ends, and check Wrap lines that exceed terminal width.

6.	Select OK

7.	Select File then Save

8.	Open the NS Basic Package on the Newton.

9.	Close the keyboard.

10.	Tap the Use Screen line and select Extr - External Serial

11.	The screen on the PC will indicate that a connection has been made and
an asterisk will appear.

12.	You are now ready to begin data entry from your pc keyboard.