NS BASIC Tech Note                                        March 21, 1997

40 How to use Scroll Buttons

The Newton scrolling buttons (Scroll Up, Scroll Down, and Overview) are all 
accessable from NS BASIC, using only a little bit of magic.

Here's the sample code:

10 let nsb=getroot().|basic:nsbasic|
20 let nsb.viewScrollUpScript=func() u.nsb.executor:userClickAction(nil, {windowspec: {goto: 1000}})
20 wait -1 
1000 print "scroll up"

Notes and warnings:
1. If you set up a viewOverviewScript, it overrides the one already in 
NS BASIC. You won't be able to use the standard overview button 
to run programs until you remove it.
2. Remove the script when you're done with it by executing
   removeSlot(nsb, 'viewOverviewScript)
3. This won't work exactly like this in a MAKEPACKAGE. You'll 
need to substitute the name of your package into statement 10.
4. There is no guarantee this will work in future releases - but we'll try.