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Kudos - What projects are being done?

These are unsolicited comments from people who have used NS Basic/Palm. The most recent comments are at the end of the file.

"By the way, I demonstrated my application with the Palm 3e to my clients today. It communicates with a external recorder which downloads data to Palm via the serial port, saves the data to the Palm Database, draws a graph of the result. The Palm is taken away from the recorder and then you download this data at a later stage to the PC. I was able to do this with NsBasic to put this application together in 4 working days. Pretty good" -- Mike Cotton, South Africa

"You have done a super job with NS Basic. As a VB programmer I find NS Basic very straight forward to pick-up. Much of the code that I have used in my current project has been copy/pasted from an old VB3 project. I look forward to further releases.

I have created my first Palm app and this is really cool! We'll be making tools for HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) engineers and field technicians. We offer similar app for Windows but many customers are asking for the same things on the Palm. Nobody want to carry around a notebook any more!" -- Jim Judge

"I was able to create something that was functional as well as useful in less than 2 hours. Good stuff." -- David Bowden

"I installed NSBasic/Palm in English Windows and it runs well. I can develop my applications quickly. It is a great product." -- Lai Yiu Lam, Hong Kong

"My 1st app has been in the field for over a month, and has been 100% reliable. I've finished the Palm part of my 2nd application, and have been buried up to about 3 feet over my head in some old, nasty code written by another individual in Access 95, who mainly used wizards, or so it would appear from the code, which I need to modify for my 2nd application to interface with. I love NS Basic... it reminds me of the bad old days when we were banging out code on the HP 2000's - had to make it lean and mean. Keep up the good work" -- Doug Kruze

"My first program was developed less than one day after I installed NS BASIC. I have found NS BASIC/Palm to be an incredibly easy to use and powerful development tool, and recommend it highly. -- Kent Willyard

"it is pretty neat to be able to toss together a hello world style app in a couple minutes with one line of code and a button! " -- Joel A. Foner

"Thank you! Having a lot of fun so far! Very nice product. I've been waiting a LOOONG time for something like this!." -- Michael Taylor

"What started out as just an off hand suggestion, has come to fruition in a few short months, about 3 months ahead of schedule from my original target date - thanks to the ease of programing with your fine product, and the great support from you. I would (and have) recommended your product to anyone who needs a good, rugged platform to write applications for the Palm." -- Douglas J. Kruse

"Just installed my NS Basic the other day, and can I say IT ROCKS! Not only can you use BASIC syntax, I had a test APP running on my Palm in less than an hour! Thanks guys!" -- Tom Streiff

"Just wanted to send a note to let you know I'm a happy customer with NSBasic/palm. It started out kinda disappointing, but found the fault was with the way I handled some data checking, reworked my code and working just fine now and am very pleased with the product, keep up the good work....Danny (maker of Books of the Bible for PalmOS)" -- Danny H. Newpor

"I'm having no problem so far putting together a very usable prescription writing program for physicians...development's going faster than I expected, thanks to your amazing IDE!" -- Joseph Fishkin, MD

"Well, I finished my first NSBasic app. I wrote a program that helps me in my job as a bush pilot. I place the Departure and Destination Ids and the program looks up the info in a database and computes the heading and distance. The estimated times for waypoints and arrival are calculated in 2 time zones so that I can give my radio reports without having to do the mental math. I can also compute the maximum weight that I can take into and out of a strip and even compute how much to charge for passengers and cargo. It has made my life so much easier. All this is not to brag on my work because I'm sure that another programmer could look at it and improve it or even belittle my attempts. I am writing to tell you that NSBasic does scratch an itch. It isn't VB, but maybe after you pump millions into it it will be! The fact is that it has provided me with a tool that has made my job easier and safer. It didn't require a masters degree to figure out just a little spare time and a willingness to experiment and ask dumb questions. There will always be those that will tell you what you aren't, but let me say I appreciate the work you have put into your product. Is it perfect? Apparently not, but it is a useful tool that has potential. I won't be giving up on it and look forward to future versions." -- Glenn Grubb, Indonesia

"I had a email discussion with you some time ago about implementing a fast search capability on a large database using NSBasic. Well, its working now!. My application is for a Acronym Finder program that quickly searches through about 2500 database entries to show the meaning of the acronym. And it was all done with NSbasic! I'm very happy. " -- Werner Terreblanche, South Africa

"By the way, NS Basic/Palm is outstanding! I am charging right ahead and making great progress on projects that I always wanted to do on the Palm, but never had the time or desire to do in the standard Palm development environments (can you say "steep learning curve!"). Great work!" -- Terry Davis Nortel Networks

"Thank you for your information. I got NSBASIC on another way now and have used it since for 3 small programs. The learning curve goes quickly up, as I have programmed with Basic for nearly 20 years already. Until now I like your "language" very much and will try to overtake my Win and EPOC programs to the palm platform now" -- H.P.Friedli M.D. Switzerland

"We are getting ready to release a product next week(?) called CoinGrade for sale commercially that was done with nsbasic. If you are not a coin collector it will be a pretty boring application. It is an interface for accessing a database that has grading standards for all US coins ever minted since the late 1700's. The database has over 1000 records in it with some very long text fields. I am contacting this group because up until today our current pool of beta testers had not reported any problems.

I will add a plug for NSBasic. NSBasic is a great tool. It was good enough for us to decide to use it instead of codewarrior. If we were doing our app in codewarrior we would still be coding. I appreciate the good work that has gone into NSBasic and hope to see additional features and a little more speed added with time. Good job to all at NS Basic Corp." -- Brian Westfall

"I've used your app for appx 2 hours and I can tell you already you won't be issuing me a refund!!! I'm impressed. I've programmed in VB for a couple of years, and the migration to your language was extremely smooth." -- Scott McDanie

"I wrote my first app last night and it was great! It is just a small program to aide in engineering calculations. It was very easy to do, great product!" -- Bal Soora Sedona Networks

"I am using NsBasic for about a week.... after about 20 years without programming by myself ( my last project was on Forth, and before mainly macro assembler on 6502!). I can confirm that the re-learning curve is very fast as I have now a full working little app ( something to change the palm to a diagnosticdevice for HW-Raid controllers in Unix-World (would be the same on any OS I guess)). Had a lot of troubles, but with easy work around, i'll test the 1.08 and then go back to you if i found again some suggestions. Thanks for your well designed and well fitted for some purposes ( at least mine ..) product." -- Fran?ois Bergman France

"First of all i would like to say how wonderful NSBasic is. Having had a 5 year break from coding i was looking for a great IDE and easy Language. NSBasic has delivered. I have had the product for 3 days and have already written a usable program!" -- Edward Green

Over theChristmas weekend I took the plunge and created my first application using NS Basic for Palm. Instead of a boring old "Hello World" I decided to do something useful. I downloaded the corporate phone directory off of the enterprise database and incorporated the data into a phone book application. I constructed a custom index and now am able to access any of the 5000 + entries (which include name, dept, extension and mailstop) within a reasonable amount of time on my lowly Palm III (2mb version). I showed it to others at work and they loved it so much it will be rolled out to the entire company. All my supervisors are really happy with it. They couldn't believe that it was possible until I loaded the program on their Palm! -- Kristofer H. Cruz

By the way, with you corrections, I was able to set up a program which communicates with a 4th Dimension database via the serial port. I did this in about a half an hour. This is a great program and it will be a lot of fun to work with. -- Randy Kaempen

Wow, another cool program. Thats one thing thats so nice for the palm is that you can develop (almost)anything with NSB. I developed a hand held computer a few years ago based on the HP48G motherboard and it was very nice to progam (OOP). But NSB really makes it fun to program the Palm. My program is a diagnostic tool for physicians to differentiate pseudoseizures from epilepsy. If you want to give it a whirl you can download it here: http://palmtronix.iwarp.com download BrainSCAN. -- Sim Jaggernauth

I am happy with Nsbasic. I am a Basic maniac, fanatic. We have planned varied commercial applications with good result, applications with laser sensors, particularment. Congratulations, NsBasic is a jewel. -- Miguel Vera Superbi
Hi, I received my serial number yesterday, and I've deployed my first two applications today, and I have to say that I'm very impressed with your product. -- Omar Aguirre
I am an intermediate level VB6 programmer and have been using NSBasic to program my new Visor Platinum for about a week. I am very impressed with the product, documentation and support info. In a week I have gotten a pretty sophisticated application up and running...would still be trying to find the right include files in C! -- Rick Muething
By the way, although it thought that you know about 'PalmOS Programing contest' in Japan, I won a prize by NS Basic application. It seems that several persons had also won a prize by NS Basic application. I'm thankful for NS Basic which is easy to use. How nice and smart! -- mizuno-ami
we make an excellents programs using NS Basic wiht Bar code. -- Jorge Cabrera

I purchased NSBasic way back (ver. 1) and started playing with it. I had very little programming background, I had taught myself Visual Basic, as a hobby, when VB 5.0 was released.

I'm employed as a Special Agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and work as a full-time Bomb Technician. When I purchased NSB v. 1.0 we had just issued Palm IIIxe's to each member of squad. I wanted to write a program for the Palm that we could use in our line of work that would consolidate numerous "cheat-sheets" and "Step-by-Step" guides in a simple to use Palm program. I started hacking away and soon had a Palm program which repurposes a printed book titled "On-Scene Commander's Guide to Chemical and Biological Responses". I released the program, free, through the National Domestic Preparedness Office, they wrote the book, in early January, 2001.

After that I started working on a Palm program for use by Bomb Technicians. I'm proud to say that in less than 2 months from releasing my "Bomb Stuff II" program, complete with a registration requirement which locks the program when it detects a different UserName, I have sold nearly 50 registered versions at $10.00 each. The program is currently being used by Bomb Technicians across the US and I'm getting several requests for it from Techs working at the Olympics in Salt Lake.

I'm sorry I couldn't enter it in the latest contest, but the program contains detailed information on procedures Bomb Techs use to defeat explosive devices and I wouldn't want to put you guys in a position of having that information.

Since 9/11 I have received numerous requests for the On-Scene Guide program from First Responders all over the country.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for providing the tool to do this and have a Palm program available for First Responders and Bomb Technicians when its needed the most. I don't get to help out much on the Newsgroup since I'm not as good at this programming thing as Mike, Doug and several others, but I lurk there every day and appreciate what NSB is doing and has done since version 1.0. Take Care and keep up the good work. -- Keith Axtell

The software rocks. In just two days I've completed the radio frequency calculator our engineers need. They are all excited about having this tool, and NSBasic made my department shine! Thanks again for a terrific product. -- Don
I recently downloaded a demo version of NSBasic and within a few hours I was able to put together a prototype of a program that my girlfriend wanted to help her track the foodgroups of the meals that she eats throughout the day. The development environment is very intuitive, solidly built, and is a true implementation of Basic for the Palm. I had found this solution after spending many hours researching the most appropriate C/C++ tools for developing Palm apps, and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the Basic approach gave me visible results. -- Martin
First let me say that I downloaded the NS basics for Palm demo and found NS Basic Excellent as a learning tool. I have built my first app in three days without any prior programming background. My app contains Current Time and date, forms, buttons, scrolling and flashing intro etc. -- Victor
I have written a program in NSBasic that is supporting two people full time. I started selling it in December and have already made more than $10,000. (honest, but I do have to pay my salesmen). It is fun. -- Lonnie
I've been very happy with NSBasic - it couldn't be easier to use, and I very quickly developed the configuration and diagnostics utilities which communicate with our products. -- Mark
My new application is a PALM software to read all sort of data out of the automobiles on-board computers, data is acquired vis serial port, NSBASIC is working just great!!!!!. -- Jaime
I am an extreme novice (and I mean extreme) and am amazed how quickly I have been able to write a program. I wrote a program to aid eye docs fit contact lenses that correct for astigmatism. I would have never tackled the job had I not found NS Basic. -- Gerald Dill
Incidentally I am impressed with your product and have used it to develop several programs for teaching Spanish language. Works great -- Wally
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with NSbasic. I purchased it middle of last week and George sent me the reg code the same day. Aftere reading most of the message board and scouring the help file I was able to put together a project with both a keyed and non keyed database. I found the database a little confusing and this message board cleared up that confusion. I work for a major corporation with a service force of about 10,000 reps. Many of the reps carry palm devices and the application I wrote should be very useful for them. Considering the limitations of the Palm OS NSBasic seems pretty complete. -- Steve Good

I'll add my kudos here, too. I purchased NS BASIC to create apps mainly for personal use. I've written several apps that I use often, and am considering "dressing up" a couple of them for sale or as freeware.

One app I use frequently is a "Who's On Call?" database. At the office we have three teams of (7) experts. I use the term 'expert' to indicate the persons' primary area(s) of knowledge, i.e. I'm the Unix/Systems and Backup software expert. The teams rotate every week (Tuesdays at noon) and it's a pain in the (uhhh) neck to keep track of who's on what team and what team is on duty this week... along with all their office phone and pager numbers.

My app handles all of that, and allows for quick, easy updates (i.e. someone is sick or traded their week with someone else). It's color-enabled to present the teams in the appropriate colors (teams are named for colors, i.e. red team, blue team, etc.). I can also jump to a future week to see when I'm going to be on-call.

If it weren't for NS BASIC, I would probably be entering this info manually into a MemoPad note, a speadsheet, or some other generic database. I wrote the entire application in about (4) hours. With NS BASIC, it was a breeze. Very cool!

I do have my own list of "I wish it would do this or that", but, to date I have been able to program everything I want - without jumping through too many hoops. And design and development time has been wonderfully short. NS BASIC has been great for me. :-) -- Michael Skurka

I realized right from the beginning that I would have to almost start from scratch to successfully write a civil engineering application for Palm. Now I'm happy to say, that almost 2 years later, my application still runs sufficiently well on a Palm III, so when I hear someone say that NSBasic is slow, I think it must be how they write code. Not one of my beta users has complained about speed. In fact, many have commented on how quick the application is. When asked what I'm using for development and I tell them NSBasic, they don't believe me. Needless to say, I'm very happy with NSBasic. Also PDB Converter has been a lifesaver. Mike, I hope you start selling it and reap the benefits of your hard work. -- Richard A. Janushan
Im glad to say that after 2 days dealing with Ns Basic, I already created an application that inserts and shows data, deal with dates and time and a sort of other components. I realy enjoyed Ns Basic! -- Luciano Cebula
NSBasic is an awesome product! This morning I decided to try and start my GPS app having battled to get started a couple of times. Well, 8 hours later I have the start of something that may even make me some money! Event driven Serial comms works perfectly, even with the continuous stream of data from my Magellan Springboard module. -- Andrew Pennington
I really enjoyed your program, had my project up and running within 2 evenings after receiving NS Basic. I've been using my program for work almost on a daily basis for the last 10 months, that in-itself was worth the price of the language. -- Rick
What a great progam NSBasic is! Wrote my first program in a couple of hours and many more in the few weeks I have had it. -- cact613
I bought my first PDA one Saturday, downloaded the demo version of NSBasic the following Saturday and 2 days later on Monday I was using my first NSBasic application in the office. Admittedly it was just a little pregnancy calculator which had four interdependent date calculations. But all you had to do was click on any one of them, click on a few numbers, and the other three were calculated in as smooth an interface as you could imagine. Now that is a productive programming environment. George sent me my registration number already so I am going full bore on a database app...which will definitely take more than 2 days (:. And I don't even have the documentation yet! I am a hobbyist intermediate VB 6 programmer with about 25 years of casual programming experience. Great product. Great service. Well off to Hawaii for 10 days, leave the moose and snow behind here in Anchorage. On a plane in two hours. -- Jim
Also, for you information I am about to finish the first project for PCS done with NS Basic. It was a nice project for a surgeon to do some patient calculations and seems to run great on the Tungsten! As we speak I am bidding another marketing project for a medical equipment manufacturer which I will also use NSB if I get the project. I am going to recommend to the other developers to use NSB for their RAD needs. -- Dan Thorngren, Pen Computer Solutions Inc.
NSBASIC is a great OS, making VB apps extremely easy to convert. It took just a few changes to have a 200K VB running. -- Jim Drew
First, I am very very pleased with NSbasic as a palm software development tool. We are using it at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands for developing a psychological research diary program; and even obtaining physiological data by the serial port and backup to a SD card is no problem anymore. best regards, -- Jan Houtveen, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

I wanted to publicly thank you and NSBasic for a great development tool.

I just completed porting my flagship application from AppForge and couldn't be happier with the result. I've already gotten several compliments from customers on the improved performance.

Working with you and NSBasic has been a great experience and completely opposite of how I've been treated by AppForge. You actually go out of your way to make sure your customers are satisfied.

One of the nice things I found during the course of porting my app was that NSBasic worked FLAWLESSLY with all my AppForge *.pdb database files. The original database files were multiple table MS Access databases that were converted to AppForge.

I'm finishing up a detailed tutorial for porting from AppForge and I'll make it availabe to everyone via this forum as a Windows Help File as soon as it's done.

Thanks Again! Kind Regards- -- Tim Markoski

I own NSBasic/Palm and have developed several applications with it, all of which communicate with peripheral instruments via serial port and generate graphic images of geometric measurements. I like your development system! -- James K. Hesch, CPE President, Ziatek, Inc.
"...I was able to complete my first application in two days. Not too bad, if I do say so myself. Either I am better at programming than I thought (unlikely) or NS Basic makes it pretty easy (more likely)! Actually the program is a conversion of a Visual Basic program I wrote a year ago, so I had a lot of the logic already worked out. The program converts leak rate values using seven different input options (some english, some metric)." -- Ted Beau
We are users of NSBasic and love it. We have written several applications which take physical inventory, record employee time and upload, via hotsync, data to a host for further processing.-- John Sherwin, Slice Technologies
A few of our commercial applications are written in NSBasic - we love the quick development time and the features just keep getting better with each version. Our applications are used in a short-term (2-7 days) rental environment, so the app has to be bulletproof, locked down and easy to use. -- Pat Loftus
I really enjoy the product, and recommend it to others everytime I get a chance:. NS Basic for Palm is a great program for developing Palm¨ or Windows CE¨ applications. I highly recommend it.ÊI use it for Amateur radio use and applications at work. The GUI is very similar to MS Visual Basic. -- Joe Lauben, US Military, South Korea

NS Basic is a fantastic product!! At the same time, one must also understand it's BASIC. The original intent of BASIC was to be used as a teaching language and not a full scale language such as C. Therefore, one must write within the confines of BASIC without a level of expectation to go past a teaching language. NSB delivers this with style and ease.

With this in mind, what NSB does do very well is tie both C and BASIC together. So for the much more advanced items such as conduits. Write it in the intended language (C, C++) and tie it together using NSB. Such a simple solution to such a complex problem.

If I where god for the day. I would have a port of NSB to the linux platform. Constructing the IDE in such a manor as to use both NSB and the GCC libaries at the same time. Allowing the programmer to drop a C function wherever they want. With the concept of clicking Build the program only once. I would gladly pay double for this ability.

As for the rest...when writting in NS Basic AS INTENDED...this is what happens.

Stillinger's Dosage Calculator Two --

" I have seen this in person- and it is amazing!!! I am going to be talking to my bosses about it next week. It is very user-friendly and to be able to have it in your pocket, or even one at many different locations without having to have a Plumb (and taking the time to look all info up) and calculator or computer terminal in every single room- is a real plus! "

- Charlotte, CVT

PS - That hospital bought $700.00 of my product and $1,500.00 of product support. Yhea! NS Basic is well worth the price.

I've been skirting around the edges of NSBasic since the Apple handheld days... Whenever I tried it, it seemed very awkward since I was brought up in assembler like languages... I wrote a number of apps in PocketC, then I switched to Plua. Both are fine environments, but there are support issues, and in Plua, some major compatibility issues amound various Palm OSs and even from one version of Plua to the next.

Since I had NSBasic, I decided to give it another try. (I had to rewrite some 'production' Plua apps that I was using in order to work on the Treo 600, and I just didn't feel like fixing them up, knowing that the next release of Plua, or then next OS, I'd have to do it again.)

Amazingly enough (probably not to you, but certainly to me...) I wrote my first app (the one my son is using now) in just a couple of days, spare time! Given that, given the transparent porting from one OS to another, and the support from you and your people, I am now a believer. Tom Clarke

I was introduced to NSBasic by [another user] and quickly found it easy to use a demo version in converting my QuickBasic dos based engineering calculation programs with the result that I purchased my own copy after only 1 week of trial use -- Mike Adams
"I am really impressed with your programming tools. You probably don't remember but I told you I wrote a program that had over 200 globals stored in a database and NSBasic handled them. I rewote that program and now have over 400 Global variables in a database and even old 2.3 handles them well and the programs run great. They are basically snapshots in time of a great number of statistics. A similar program in VB gave me an error for too many Public variables and shut down. Great job, and I hope the desktop is another success." -- Alan Heverl
I finished a preliminary version of my app last night and synced it to my Palm. It is much faster and seems a lot more streamlined than my Appforge apps. I was able to beam it to a Treo 650 today with no issues, so that's good. My friend would have needed a separate Crossfire client for my old Appforge app.

As for the differences between NSBasic for Palm and CE, I am sure I'll be able to figure it out. The actual code in my app is not that complex, the hard part is really just developing approximations to the flight performance charts, which I do with MATLAB and Excel. I think I will just go ahead and order both versions of NSBasic so I can take advantage of the $50 off. I'm also excited to see that there are many other developers that make tools for use in NSBasic.

OK, I've taken enough of your time. You've got a great product, I'm looking forward to getting lots of use out of it. Cheers -- Scot Seaton, US Navy

After Trial introduction and several courteous and rapid email replies from Mr. George Henne it is clear that NS is a company well worth involvment. NSBasic for Palm has done everything required so far to replace my existing PC based hardware control applications, potentially eliminating the pc, monitor, keyboard and mouse and electricity bill and footprint.. you get the idea. Looking forward to much work on Palm OS 3 to 5 and outboard hardware development packages." -- David Ribblett
© NSB Corporation. All rights reserved.